October 22, 2024

The Logo Blandemic: Less is more… or is it just less?

Brands embracing minimalism in their logos isn’t new, but recent discussions have reignited the debate on whether it's effective — or just "blanding." While some argue that simplifying design helps with digital functionality, others believe it can strip away a brand’s unique identity. As companies like Burberry move back toward heritage designs, we may be seeing a shift toward more expressive branding in the future.

The article, Paypal Simple Brand Refreshes Blanding dives into the trend of minimalist logos, and looks how brands are trying to keep things simple without losing their personality, and whether we might see a shift back to more bold, expressive designs soon. Here’s what our creative team has to say about it:

“This trend stems from brands increasingly 'going digital,' requiring logos to perform well across every UX environment. However, the logo itself often becomes secondary within the broader brand system, reduced to just one small piece of the puzzle. The downside is the emergence of very bland logos that lack distinctiveness, often nothing more than a slightly tweaked typeface. It will be interesting to see how this evolves over the next five years—whether logos will return to more quirky and unique designs, or if new technologies will push branding in a completely different direction. (Where’s that 3D-projection hologram phone we were promised?)”

-Scot Forbes, Creative Director

“The logo is just one small part of a brand system, so there may be complexity in other parts of the new branding that aren't visible in the logo itself. But since the logo is the face of the company, it is odd we are going in that direction so intensely.

There's this old architecture quote "form follows function" which dictates aesthetics of design are based on the practical necessities first. And while I think there's important truth to this, as UX is very "function" oriented first and thus needs simplicity, I worry we've switched to "formless function" where simplicity and ease of construction takes precedence over EVERYTHING. If you abstract-ify everything too much, you render everything kind of meaningless. So I get it, but I think we as a society will start to suffer for it over time.”

-Ariele Lee, Associate Art Director

October 10, 2024

Navigating the Discovery Process Through Competitive Analysis

Taking on a project with a new client can feel like setting sail in uncharted waters. As we embark, the implementation of a discovery phase provides us with the tools needed to navigate a unique and client-focused creative process. In addition to stakeholder interviews, a competitive analysis is an invaluable tool that provides us with crucial insights that will shape effective strategies and lead to exceptional results.

A SWOT analysis evaluates an organization’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats – and it’s not corporate jargon but a treasure trove of information. This process uncovers what keeps your competitors afloat and what could run them aground — what new opportunities competitors are exploring and where they could encounter hazards. When done correctly, the SWOT reveals critical insights that can be used to a client’s advantage, allowing them to capitalize on their competitors’ missteps and turn a competitor’s weaknesses into their strengths and threats into opportunities.

At KingFish, a SWOT typically includes a close inspection of competitor websites to evaluate user experience, content strategy, and SEO practices. Additionally, a social media assessment identifies types of content competitors create and how frequently they share it. We determine how each competitor markets themselves and how they connect with their followers and our research inspires a tailored content strategy.

This iterative process uncovers a client’s differentiators, which are the unique advantages that set an organization apart in the marketplace. These traits distinguish their products and services from key competitors and should be leveraged and amplified in order to appeal to target audiences. Understanding these differentiators will help to better navigate the competitive waters, avoid potential obstacles, and chart a course toward success.

As we dive into the realm of messaging and visual representation, we analyze how competitors position their brand and speak to their audience through voice, tone, and visual design. We use this knowledge to craft a distinctive voice and brand experience, as well as irresistible calls to action (CTA) that make our clients stand out in a sea of competitors.
Whether our client’s goal is to rebrand, launch an ad campaign, increase web traffic, develop an impactful social media presence, or drive overall brand engagement — a competitive analysis is often the first step to uncovering their organization’s unique attributes.

October 8, 2024

Erewhon’s Marketing Success: How Grocery Shopping Became A Status Symbol

In a fantasy land far far away, there is a grocery store where you pay $26 for bottled water, $41 for a helping of mixed berries, $22 for a smoothie, and $40 for hot sauce. Except the land is neither distant nor fantasy, it is a real chain located in California. Erewhon, a luxury health-food store with 10 locations in and around the Los Angeles area, has people in a choke-hold, but why? The owners are marketing geniuses. Simply put, the target market for Erewhon is the rich and famous. To shop at Erewhon is a luxury experience, the New York Times called it “the unofficial hangout for the young, beautiful, and bored”. Vogue described it as “Hollywood's cult-favorite wellness location." Erewhon CEO Tony Antoci claims between his 10 locations there is a whopping $900,000 per location per week, so how did they even get to this point? Organically, he claimed, but not by magic.

Tony Andoci and Josephine Andoci, Owners of Erewhon. (The Hollywood Reporter)

Tony has been in the food business since age 17, starting with phone orders at a restaurant where he met his wife Josephine, who worked in the kitchen. These two have grown Erewhon to unprecedented heights since 2011 when they purchased it. If I cringe getting the essentials, a $5 carton of eggs and a $4 gallon of milk, how did they get people to voluntarily put a $20 gallon of milk and an $11 carton of eggs (yes, really) in their shopping cart? From a marketing perspective, Erewhon is genius. Celebrity clientele, social media, their viral smoothie collaborations, quality, and store design are the best explanations for the phenomenon of Erewhon. Erewhon really took off in 2019 after a new deal with New York-based growth equity firm Stripes Group, who invested money into opening more stores and expanding their location. However, marketing machine Erewehon did not just become successful with money thrown at it and some luck, The Antoci’s are experts as well. Tony Antoci started off with a humbler beginning, selling private-label bottled water with his brother Vito to high-end restaurants on the Westside, then upgrading to selling bar supplies like olives, lemons and cherries, shortly after they started this, Josephine joined their team. At an Italian Restaurant one day an employee familiar with their business asked Josephine to start selling parmigiano-reggiano, this marked their entry to the food space, and they began selling $90 million worth of of products to various vendors each year.

Years later, Erewhon is one of the face’s of organic, healthy, high-value groceries in California and online. They claim to be “driven to enhance the health of [their] community by providing organic, ethically sourced foods that support our bodies and our planet…’. Erewhon says on their website: “We’re more than a grocery store. We’re a community” right… I’m skeptical. But alas, the community in question involves affluent individuals in the area and a network of A-List celebrities including the Kardashian-Jenner family, Miley Cyrus, Hailey Bieber, Leonardo DiCaprio and more.

Seeing dozens of celebrities voluntarily shop anywhere will naturally gather attention and publicity, which was the case for Erewhon. Combining this insane publicity with their hot social media presence and buzz, their organic and quality ingredients, and their conveniently placed stores that happen to all be in affluent areas around the LA area, makes for the perfect concoction of success. People in these communities have a higher disposable income to spend on the things they want, making Erewhon a frequented destination for many.
See and be seen (Product collabs) and smoothies

Erewhon’s celebrity smoothie collaborations are nothing short of a marketing masterclass, transforming health drinks into Instagrammable status symbols. Picture this: a $22 smoothie created by the hands of A-listers like Hailey Bieber and Kendall Jenner, each sip wrapped in an aura of exclusivity. These partnerships don't just sell smoothies; they sell a lifestyle that screams "luxury wellness." With every star-studded launch, social media lights up, creating a ripple effect that attracts both die-hard fans and curious onlookers. Erewhon expertly leverages this hype, ensuring that their smoothies are the talk of the town, or rather, the talk of the high-end grocery scene. By aligning with celebrity culture, they’ve elevated the humble smoothie into a must-have accessory for anyone keen to rub elbows with the elite—because who wouldn’t want to sip on a concoction made famous by their favorite star?

Despite the fun that people (I) poke at Erewhon, they have a lot of philanthropy and community involvement to show as well. Erewhon partners with charities to donate over 25 million pounds of food to local communities, reuses or gives their waste to a sustainable recycling company, donates a portion of proceeds, and works with small businesses and farmers by promoting and selling their products. So customers can rest knowing that a portion of their $300 grocery bill, goes to various good causes. So maybe Erewhon is not so bad, I mean where else are we supposed to get our camel's milk, sea moss gel, yuzu juice, and kelp noodle chow mein all in one place?

September 24, 2024

Hue’s Who: Why Color Psychology Shapes Branding Success and Differentiation

Whether to generate conversations or play off emotions, fuel hunger or create trust, humans are influenced by color. Colors are one of the most important things in the world of marketing and advertising and the significance of strong color palette cannot be overstated. Selecting the right color combo is not merely a design choice; it’s a critical factor in customer retention, brand identity, and can even help or hurt your sales.

But why are color palettes important? They affect perception, mood, brand recognition, and consistency.1 Colors influence consumer behavior in profound ways. For instance, red is often associated with excitement and urgency, making it effective for promotions and calls to action, “Add to Cart”, and “Click Here”. Orange conveys playfulness and warmth, appealing to creativity and friendliness. Think of Nickelodeon as a brand, and their orange logo will make a lot of sense. Yellow is linked to happiness and optimism, think rubber duckies, sunshine, and smiley faces. Yellow also grabs intention, Matt Groening, creator of the Simpsons, says that he made the characters yellow because: “he wanted his cartoon to be eye-catching. When someone is flipping through channels, he wanted the bright yellow color of the Simpsons to catch the eye and make them go back to watch it."2 Green represents freshness, stability, and vitality, making it ideal for brands focused on health, quality, and sustainability such as Whole Foods or Hello Fresh. Blue fosters a sense of calm and trust, therefore it’s a popular choice for financial and healthcare brands such as Blue Cross or Chase. Purple, often associated with luxury and introspection, can inspire luxury and creativity, which is consistent with Cadbury’s branding.

“When SEO company Reboot ran a study on logo recognition, 78% of participants were able to recall the primary color of the logo while only 43% were able to remember the company name.”3 This underscores how essential a consistent color scheme is for building brand identity; the most successful companies are examples of this. Tiffany blue, John Deere green, UPS brown, Home Depot orange, and Barbie pink are all recognizable to the vast majority of the US population, which is essentially free marketing and customer recognition by something as simple as a color. Some companies go as far as to trademark “their color”, to ensure originality and unique brand identity, not to confuse themselves with any other competitor or brand. Your colors should be synonymous with your brand, a big decision we know, but it can get your brand ahead and make you more recognizable, while also helping you stand out from your competitors.

Two brands that commonly stand out in this conversation are Purple and Dunkin’. In a world of neutral marketing for mattresses and sleep companies, Purple’s lavender color and marketing stick out in the best way. Sealey, Simmons, Tempurpedic, Sleeptronic, Casper, Helix, and Mattress Firm are all either blue or red, and Purple knew exactly what they were doing with their branding. They went as far as to make the mattresses themselves purple, adding to their brand recognition in the most genius way possible. This playful color and branding also make them more approachable and humorous. As for Dunkin, they stand out for their iconic color scheme, you can picture the exact shades of pink and orange when someone says Dunkin, they have been so consistent with these colors since 1960. 

The impact of color in branding is undeniable; it’s a powerful tool that shapes perceptions and drives consumer behavior. As we’ve seen with brands like Purple and Dunkin’, a well-thought-out color palette not only differentiates a brand but also creates an emotional connection with consumers. It’s more than just aesthetics; it’s about crafting an identity that resonates and sticks. When you choose your colors wisely, you’re not just painting a pretty picture—you’re laying the groundwork for recognition, loyalty, and ultimately, success. 

1: Chamber of Commerce. (n.d.). Guide to color psychology in marketing. 

2: Woolford, M. Matt Groening explains why The Simpsons are yellow. Joe.  

3: WordStream. Color Psychology in Marketing: How Colors Influence Consumer Behavior.  

September 10, 2024

How to Succeed as An Intern: A Journey into the Unknown

Starting an internship in an established industry isn’t always easy, but preparing yourself for the possibilities is just one of the few initiatives that can help lead to a successful learning experience.


  1. Dedication: Maintaining a willingness to learn new content and complete unfamiliar tasks shows dedication to the position. However, being asked to do things that may confuse you at first glance is normal, but that is part of the learning process. In fact, one of the most important responsibilities during an internship is remaining optimistic and ensuring an open mindset. Stepping out of your comfort zone can be tricky, but it is all a part of the process and must be embraced.


  1. Ask Questions: Studying your environment and learning about your colleagues can prevent miscommunication or uncomfortable encounters. Engaging in conversation or simply asking questions to learn more should not be feared as it shows interest. In doing so, you may also form connections along the way.


  1. Stay Connected: Building connections can provide guidance, support, and insights that will be valuable throughout your career. Networking during your internship is important, as it can lead to lasting professional relationships and potentially open future opportunities.


  1. Show Effort: Putting your best foot forward can make an impact in the storytelling of your craft. Exhibiting laziness during the process of tasks can easily stain first impressions and even jeopardize workflow. Regardless of the task, trying your best shows enthusiasm, and can be seen through work quality.


  1. Reflect: Accepting failure and trying to correct future mistakes is far more purposeful than not trying at all. This proactive approach helps build a reputation for reliability and competence — setting you apart as a valuable team member, and enhancing personal and professional growth.


As an intern for KingFish Media, I have experienced the various steps of contributing to an established, passionate team. My steps are reflective of my personal story and while I do believe everyone’s varies, it is the little decisions and efforts that write your journey.

June 6, 2024

What’s the ROI of a Billboard?

Anyone can create a digital ad, but not every company can take over the side of an entire building.

When they do, it sends a strong signal to consumers: we’re the real deal. 

People driving down the highway who see a McDonald’s billboard aren’t going to suddenly cut across four lanes of traffic to buy a quarter pounder with cheese, but the next time they’re hungry, they might consider buying one. (And maybe some nuggets, too.)

We’re strong advocates for billboards for clients with certain campaign objectives.

They help brands stand out in a crowded digital market and offer legitimacy.

Asking “What’s the ROI of a billboard?” is the wrong question.

That’s sales. Let’s talk branding instead.

Branding is...

  • Making future sales easier
  • Staying top of mind
  • Building trust
  • Gaining awareness (visibility)
  • Creating an emotional connection
  • Storytelling
  • Big-picture thinking

For this, we don’t measure ROI.

Not everything valuable can be quantified, and even measurable data can be inaccurate.

Consider this: people generally buy products and services from companies they know and trust. To become a company that people know and trust, you must first be visible.

Billboards should be considered as an element of a comprehensive multi-channel strategy.

February 12, 2024

Our Expert Eye on Super Bowl Ads

Like sweet and spicy, bourbon and water, the Super Bowl/advertising experience is about entertainment that balances 3 ½ hours of immersive content. Humor, when done well, challenges nostalgia (the ads were rife with it) and emotionality as a core response. The KingFish team collaborated to share their perspectives on the brands that successfully took advantage of their Super Bowl commercial limelight, and others that missed the mark.

What Caught our Eye...

State Farm: Like a Good Neighbaa

By: Julio Colon, Digital Account Manager

State Farm could not have chosen a better celebrity to play Agent State Farm in the Agent State Farm movie. Arnold Schwarzenegger's inability to nail the slogan offers several moments of laughter throughout the :60 spot due to his thick Austrian accent. State Farm’s slogan, “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there,” has been made memorable in recent years by the brands series of unfortunate event commercials featuring now Golden State Warriors, Point Guard, Chris Paul. This year's Super Bowl spot continues to convey the brand's commitment to reassurance in the face of adversity by pivoting from Arnold as the lead star in the film and having Danny Devito step in and save the day, like a good neighbaa.  

Verizon - Can't B Broken

By: Cam Brown, Founder & CEO

Verizon’s offering with Beyonce featured an epic production that was worth the watch even without the dry responses of straight-man Tony Hale. But he’s Buster, and everyone knows it. Which is why it worked. Verizon wins. 

Dunkin' Donuts - The DunKings

By: Scot Forbes, Creative Director

Maybe we’re biased here in New England, but the latest Dunkin’ saga featuring Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez stole the show for me, solidifying Dunkin' Donuts' position as not just a purveyor of coffee and donuts, but also a key player in pop culture.

In this glorious spectacle, Ben Affleck crashes into the recording studio to surprise his singer-songwriter wife, Jennifer Lopez. But this wasn’t just any recording session—it was the birth of “the DunKings”. Wearing matching outrageous pink, orange, and white Dunkin’ tracksuits (complete with Red Sox logos), this boy band supergroup is revealed to include other Boston legends. No, not the New Kids on the Block, but Tom Brady spinning beats as “Touchdown Tommy” and Matt Damon offering his reluctant support (with a nod to his Good Will Hunting days)—with a Dunkin’ beverage in hand, of course. Lopez, playing along perfectly as the annoyed wife, was not impressed with the dismal performance. Hilariously, she offers Brady to stay after Affleck and Damon leave in shame. 

Dunkin' advertising seems to effortlessly capture the essence of its Boston heritage, wit, and charm, seamlessly intertwining the city's rich cultural fabric with its brand identity.

As promised in Affleck’s final words, the DunKings’ signature beverage, a real iced coffee, hits stores today, prompting many, myself included, to make a run to the nearest Dunkin' to purchase. As a surprise bonus, exclusive “DunKings” merch (including the hideous track suits!) were made available on shopdunkin.com which immediately sold out within an hour of release. I hate to admit it, but had I scored one, I would totally wear that jacket. Kudos to Dunkin’ for yet another vital hit.

Disney+ - Well Said

By: Erica Lashua, Account Management Intern

Disney+ kept it sweet & simple for this year’s Super Bowl spot. The :30 commercial was nostalgic to viewers typing out some of the most classic Disney movie quotes and ended with a subtle nod to all the Swifties tuning in. Changing from a white to black background featuring “...Ready for It?” remarking on Swift’s popular track of the reputation album. The streaming service was recently announced to be hosting the highly acclaimed Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour movie. Disney+ was strategic in recognizing the new audience of young fans watching while also noting others may be over the Taylor talk. For Disney+, the commercial immediately created buzz for online debate regarding if the clip is a possible easter egg teasing at the highly anticipated reputation (Taylor’s Version). The “if you know you know” moment was well executed for the brand and highly enjoyed by many.

Dove - It's the Hard Knock Life

By: Maria Hanchuk, Project Manager

Every year, Dove continues to resonate emotionally with its body positivity campaign, and two decades after the campaign's launch they have secured a spot in the Super Bowl. The use of what seems to be authentic videos captured by the public, Dove showcases young girls' ability to fail in their respective sport but ultimately conveys that failure is not the reason for young girls quittingBy leveraging the iconic song "It's The Hard Knock Life" from the musical Annie, Dove exposes the reality of young girls quitting sports due to poor body image and low self-esteem 
This was a clever tactic not only to align with the theme of their past commercials but also to connect with a younger demographic audience and their parents. It is also important to note that this was a way to launch their partnership with Nike and the ‘Body Confident Sport’ program. Dove's emotional strategy positions them to garner greater customer loyalty compared to their competitors while also conveying a positive and, in some cases, life-changing message. 

Budweiser - Old School Delivery

By: Rosemary Poppe, Digital Account Manager

Budweiser’s Old School Delivery, set in a snow-covered mountain town, makes you warm and fuzzy all over. The return of Budweiser’s signature Clydesdales and their best bud (pun intended), a friendly yellow lab, pull on our nostalgic heartstrings. The eagerness of the animals to help sends a clear message that Bud, and its customers, are worth any harrowing journey. 

The drivers receive a hero’s welcome when they arrive at the bar with a wagon full of Bud, allowing Budweiser to convey its appreciation for its distributors.  The perspective into the Budweiser supply chain encourages viewers to see Budweiser as more than just a beer or a brand – but as a sum of many hardworking parts (people) – and thus, quintessentially American.  

From a marketing perspective, viewers absorb over 10 clear impressions of the Budweiser name and the chosen song reminds us that Bud is exactly what we need to “take a load off” and relax. In direct comparison to many of the Super Bowl commercials featuring well known human celebrities, Budweiser’s celebrities are its Clydesdales – four-legged friends who are guaranteed to please viewers.   

Fun fact: the yellow lab featured in this commercial is named Roy Hawn Russel and belongs to none other than celebrity couple, Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russel. 

Bud Light - Easy Night Out

By: Ariele Lee, Lead Designer

This commercial had a lot of potential to be incredibly clever. The ad itself was a standard, run-of-the-mill premise including a wish-granting-genie that ends with the characters wishing to go to the Super Bowl. However, at the conclusion of the ad they cut to a live feed of the game and a few of the actors/celebrities were in the stands in character and costume, continuing the concept as if the story were actually happening. The moment was surprising and clever, bleeding a silly idea into the real word for added impact.

However, the shot didn’t linger enough for the other people at my super bowl party to recognize the characters or understand the concept was continuing to play out. Seemed like a missed opportunity to do some sort of real-world PR, experiential story design to the campaign, maybe cutting back and forth between the real world and the ad world, or ending the ad story within the stands itself, or even just lingering on each character a little longer. However, the cut was a little too unmemorable, and a little too short. Props to the creative team for the idea! It just needed a little extra push at execution which is where they probably ran into logistical issues that inhibited the final outcome. 

November 27, 2023

The Taylor Swift Effect

It’s difficult to come across news articles these days that don’t mention Taylor Swift in some record-breaking way. Whether it’s multiple tracks of her album dominating the Billboard 100s, concerts selling out shows – breaking Ticketmaster to the point of policy change and entirely shifting/boosting the American economy – concert movies breaking theater records in an era where the movie theater industry has been struggling to fill seats, or her dating life with football star Travis Kelce revitalizing interest in the NFL for a new demographic, Taylor Swift has become somewhat mythic in the pantheon of American idols. The simple authenticity that permeates her songs about crushes, love, and imagination have remained resonate across ages, and it’s come to the point where Taylor Swift’s presence has developed into an homage to girlhood, to Americana-core, and to the sort of long-standing powerful nostalgia that is difficult to find in an era where trends come and go faster than water.

It's difficult to know what an ordinary individual can learn from this level of superstardom. We as consumers can only marvel as spectators, enjoy her music or her shows, or simply nod passively in acknowledgement at the name if we’ve never really resonated with her material.

But what I think is interesting about the Taylor Swift Effect is that it brings to attention the power that loving a thing can not only have on an individual, but on an entire community.

America is in a period of deconstruction. Deconstruction of once long held American values, of religion, of identity, of politics, of media, of society, and the list goes on. The tentpoles of what used to easily hold our American ideologies together under a neat bow come into question daily as the world undergoes intense changes and diverse challenges. Changes and challenges that are now more visible and accessible than ever with social media and the internet. And while change is not only necessary but inevitable, one disheartening side effect of it becoming such a spectacle is the loss of belief.

The loss of belief is the loss of easily loving a thing for not only what it means to you but what it means to a collective. It’s the loss of being in awe of a symbol, and for being in awe in general. It’s a moving experience that can reorient a person in the direction of purpose and motivation and joy. But it’s also a simple experience, unencumbered with the complexity and nuance we often ask of our leaders, our teachers, and ourselves especially as media bombards us with a million new views. So, to choose into the experience of simple joys especially in an age where everything is visible, we must find ourselves indulging all the way, incautiously, wholly, and deeply into things that bring us together.

Something important to remember when it comes to the work we do, no matter the industry we’re in, the role we have, the person we are, is to enjoy and pay attention to things that cause this kind of unity and excitement. Even if you don’t listen to her music, it’s hard to ignore her impact. And maybe you don’t even like Taylor Swift, her personality, or her music. Because again, so many others do.

So, to find the Taylor Swift effect in our ordinary lives is to be excited about the shows everyone is watching at the office, to talk about the commercial at the Superbowl everyone remembered, the meme circulating social media, the trend we decided to participate in, the client everyone loved, or even the day at work where everyone was on the same wavelength. To find the Taylor Swift effect is to find anything that collectively revitalized our beliefs in what it means to find lively meaning, together. Even if on a much smaller scale.

When we all do this, we not only revitalize our personal economies, communities, and experiences, but we also allow significance to re-enter the daily grind. Maybe not at Ticketmaster-breaking-box-office-smashing levels. But levels, nonetheless. Deeply personal levels that make you remember what you like about your job, the people in your life, or the little rituals of your day.

When we do this, we allow ourselves to be excited by the value of it all, to celebrate that we don’t only exist in vacuums of lonely existential consciousness but exist among other people whose experiences are just as actual as ours. We allow ourselves to be a fan in the back row of a Taylor Swift concert, screaming about the agony of an unrequited crush at the top of our lungs among a sold-out show of tens of thousands, in total admiration that everyone out there is fully present.

Just like us.



August 29, 2023

MarTech Stack Fundamentals

A well-built MarTech stack that works together cohesively, will allow your organization to amplify its marketing efforts and achieve measurable results, while fostering collaboration, drive efficiency, and enhance the customer experience.

Building Your MarTech Stack:

  1. Identify Your Goals: Start the process by identifying your marketing goals and objectives. This will guide your selection of tools and ensure they align with your overall strategy.
  2. Core Tools: Your toolkit should include a customer relationship management (CRM) system, marketing automation platform, content management system (CMS), and analytics tools. These tools will allow you to manage your customer data, automate marketing processes, and measure performance.
  3. Specialized Tools: Your business’ needs might call for specialized technologies. These could include email marketing software, social media management platforms, search engine optimization (SEO) tools, advertising platforms, and more. These critical tools will enhance your stack's capabilities and allow you to target different channels and tactics.
  4. Integration: Ensure that your tools can communicate and share data with one another seamlessly. Integration eliminates data silos, provides a holistic view of your marketing efforts, and enables efficient collaboration across teams.
  5. Scalability and Flexibility: Your MarTech stack should be scalable and adaptable to your evolving needs. As your business grows, you might need to add or replace tools within your stack. Choose tools that offer scalability and flexibility, enabling you to adjust and optimize your stack as required.

By carefully selecting and integrating the right tools, you can unlock new levels of effectiveness and creativity in your marketing efforts.


August 10, 2023

The Remix Revolution

In the era of digital media and social networking, Gen Z is harnessing their collective creativity and technological prowess to reshape the way we engage with advertising content. The power of YouTube and TikTok has provided a sandbox platform for “the kids”, as I call them, to embrace and remix video advertising songs, creating a vibrant subculture of creative expression and unexpected content, of which advertisers have almost zero control over. The latter can be downright absurd, and sometimes even scary. (More on that later.)

But it’s not just the latest pop or rap song subject to a digital hacksaw, advertisement songs (aka jingles) and videos are transformed into something entirely new and unexpected. This process provides a sense of empowerment to the consumer. By engaging with advertising content in this way, they actively participate in shaping popular culture rather than passively consuming it. These creations have the potential to go viral, reaching millions of viewers worldwide. This virality creates a ripple effect, sparking conversations, trends, and cultural references that become a part of popular culture.

But first, a brief history:

The origin of advertising jingles can be traced back to the 1850s when businesses started using catchy tunes to promote their products. The 1920s to 1950s marked the golden age of advertising jingles with the rise of commercial radio. As television became popular in the 1950s and '60s, jingles found a new medium to reach a larger audience. Companies like Coca-Cola, Oscar Mayer, and McDonald's are among those that used jingles to create lasting brand awareness. Catchy little tunes became an integral part of commercials, embedding brand messages into the minds of viewers on a national scale.

After a slight decline on the late 90s / early 2000s, jingles are back in a big way. In the digital age, jingles have found a new life through online platforms and social media. Short, catchy sounds are used in digital campaigns (sometimes just a few seconds), and brands intentionally create viral shorts (or try desperately) to gain widespread attention.

Which bring us to power tools, and a cat.

Created way back in 2021 (an eternity for web culture), the Cat Vibing to the Home Depot Theme Song is an origin story of sorts, to an unexpected new genre. (The vibing cat itself originated in yet another video but I digress…)

It has all the critical elements of a smash viral hit:

  1. A cat (Cats in internet memes are a tale as old as time.)
  2. A cheesy corporate jingle
  3. Comedy

The video itself is hilarious. The cat’s head bobbing to the beat juxtaposed with images of construction workers and power tools makes me laugh every time, and yes, I have watched it many times over. It’s absurd.

It’s popularity among Gen Z is something a corporate marketing campaign could never achieve intentionally. (Go ahead and try Home Depot, prove me wrong!)

First of all, the video is uploaded with a straight-to-the-point tagline of “F*ck Lowes. All my homies use Home Depot.” If I was the VP of Marketing at Home Depot, I would have that quote framed and hanging in my office. I might even pitch it as the new official tagline and get fired.

But in all seriousness, here’s the magic within. Comments for this creation include:

Not going to lie, the Home Depot song is actually pretty good.”

“Why did it take me 21 years of living before realizing this song SLAPS”

And THIS gem:

“I want this to be an official ad on tv.”

Can you imagine this running as an actual ad? It would be amazing. But you can’t. The UGC aspect is the key to success.

But not to worry Home Depot, as of today the video has amassed well over 4M views. (The average video on the Home Depot official YouTube channel has about 10k views.) Clearly this is resonating.

Does Home Depot have a clue? Do they know this even exists? That nugget of information is not known to me, but it’s still here at 2 years after upload, and that is the right course of action. Leave it alone. Don’t stop the fun. The last thing you want as a brand is a negative reaction viral sensation.

The trend of remixing video advertising songs and videos is revolutionizing the advertising industry itself. Smart brands recognize the value of engaging with young audiences through this user-generated content. Some brands actively encourage users to create their own remixes and share them online, further blurring the lines between traditional advertising and user-driven content.

A Purple Monster is on a Murderous Rampage

An example of a massively viral campaign gone completely off the rails is the McDonald’s celebration of the goofy purple-blob mascot Grimace and the return of the limited-time offer, purple “Grimace Shake”.

Photo: McDonald's

In the "Grimace Shake" TikTok trend, users have created mini horror movies mocking the effects of drinking the mysterious concoction.

That’s right.

Horror movies.

I can just imagine the boardroom meeting at McDonald’s.

“What’s the status report?”

“Good news boss! Our Grimace Shake is going viral on TikTok!”

“That’s amazing. Tell me more.”

“Well, what’s trending is… kids drink the shake!”


“And then… well, this is awkward.”

“Yes, go ahead. Out with it.”

“After they drink the shake, they… ummmm… convulse and die.”

“WHAAAAAAAT?” *Boss spits coffee all over shiny conference room desk*


So, what is really going on here? Thousands of examples on the social media platform show users in a creepy scene after trying out the mysterious beverage (which is meant to celebrate Grimace’s birthday). Shortly after taking a sip of the special shake, the video cuts to the creators mimicking horror movie-style death scenes. The purple liquid can be found dribbling out of their mouths, splattered like blood all over the floor, and even oozing from their nostrils. It’s all very nasty.

I can't imagine McDonald's could have ever pictured the Grimace shake going viral quite like this.

@ruiz_alv04 via TikTok / @McDonalds via Twitter

It would have been very understandable for McDonald’s to try to put a stop to this trend immediately. Videos of customers literally going crazy and dying from consuming your product? A nightmare!

Or is it?

As a brand, what would you do?

McDonald’s did the right thing.


They sat back and watched.

With a wink and nod from Grimace himself, McDonald’s gave a sly seal of approval essentially saying, “We get it. We’re not going to interfere with this. Go forth and create you crazy rascals! Oh, and btw, please keep eating at McDonald’s!”

Full disclosure - my young son, who typically does not eat at McDonald’s, bought the shake (along with a giant burger meal) immediately when this was all happening.

McDonald’s understood that Gen Z has a particularly wacky sense of humor, and this trend was high praise. Taking an innocent mascot like Grimace and mixing it with a Stranger Things vibe is just… so Gen Z. It’s weird. It’s retro. It’s parody. And even though it’s dark and creepy, it’s playful. It’s the ultimate mashup.

The trend absolutely blew up online with videos containing the hashtag #grimaceshake amassing over 3 billion views.


With a B.

McDonald’s provided the tools - A stylized online campaign featuring a nostalgic retro character, and a weird purple shake. The creative audience provided the content. It’s very hard to intentionally plan something like this. Can you imagine a meeting where a marketing agency pitched this very idea, and promised McDonalds a billion engagements? You’d get kicked out of the room. Even when brands pay big bucks to influencers, the content often seems forced, fake. Gen Z in has a keen bs meter. When marketing content blows up organically and is a genuine positive experience, it’s the best-case scenario a brand can ever dream of.

As an “old man” Gen X’er myself, I hate to admit it but, through their imaginative reinterpretations, Gen Z has not only contributed to popular culture but also transformed the advertising industry itself. As this trend continues to evolve, it presents exciting opportunities for brands to connect with their target audience in new and authentic ways, harnessing the power of user-generated content. But as you can see, proceed with caution.

The “kids today” are indeed leading a revolution, where the remix becomes an art form and advertising becomes a source of inspiration and creative collaboration.

Now please excuse me, I gotta go... I’m suddenly in the mood for McDonald’s.

Photo: McDonald's



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